Pilot of a Brief, Web-Based Educational Intervention Targeting Safe Storage and Disposal of Prescription Opioids

At the time of this study, conducted in the early years of the opioid epidemic, a significant portion of misused opioids originated from authorized prescriptions. To help curb the epidemic, a brief, web-based educational tool was developed to address safe opioid use, storage, and disposal. Due to healthcare providers’ time constraints and other demands, this tool offers an efficient intervention option. The study demonstrated that such a web-based intervention could effectively improve patients’ knowledge and reduce misuse behaviors in healthcare settings.
Behavioral Intervention and Disposal of Leftover Opioids: A Randomized Trial

Providing a medication disposal method and an educational intervention is more effective than providing a disposal method alone. This study found that delivering disposal methods and information about the risks of retaining medication at the time of opioid prescription effectively encouraged parents to dispose of their children’s leftover medication properly. This two-pronged intervention reduced parents’ intent to retain prescription opioid medication. Additional research is needed to further determine the long-term impact of such interventions on opioid misuse and adverse events.